Project Completion Resume
- USACE Hydrological Wetlands Drainage Restoration Clearing 200 + miles Arkansas WMA
2006- 2020
- ANHC Endangered Species Habitat Restoration Red Cockaded Woodpecker Clearing 500 + acres Arkansas 2009 - 2021
- USACE Coosa River Annex Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) Vegetation Clearance 278 acres Talledega Alabama 2018
- Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) I20/ Flat Shoals Interchange Right of Way Clearing Atlanta Georgia 201
- Springdale Arkansas Water Authority 40 ft Pipeline Right of Way Clearing 5 miles Springdale Arkansas 2018
- Upland Quail Habitat Restoration/ Invasive Cedar Tree Removal/ Fuel Load Reduction 1500+ acres Arkansas, Oklahoma and
Texas 2010 -2019
- Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) I85/ I285 Interchange South Right of Way Clearing Atlanta Georgia 2017
- Chick Fil-A Headquarters Right of Way/ Property Enhancement Clearing
- Gateway Motorsports Park Site Prep Mulching/ Clearing 150 acres
- US Fish and Wildlife Service South Texas Firebreak Construction/ Habitat Restoration 1500 acres Laguna Atascosa Wildlife
Refuge Cameron County Texas 2015-2016
- Department of Defense Black Hawk and Apache Helicopter Line of Sight Target Clearing 300 acres Ft Rucker Army Base
Alabama 2012-2014
- Cabot Arkansas to Heber Springs Arkansas 2013
- USACE/ Department of Defense Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) vegetation clearance 250 acres Fort Bliss Texas and New Mexico
- Decatur to Red Bay Alabama 2012
- New Albany Mississippi to Holly Springs Mississippi 2011
- USACE/ Department of Defense 7th Special Forces Division Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) vegetation clearance 475 acres Eglin AFB Florida 2009
- USACE/ Department of Defense Fort Sill Army Base Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) vegetation clearance 250 acres Ft Sill Oklahoma 2007
- USACE/ Department of Defense Camp Maxey Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) vegetation clearance 175 acres Paris Texas 2009
- USACE/ Department of Defense Ft Benning Army Base Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) vegetation clearance 120 acres Columbus Georgia 2008